Inspire. Enable. Motivate

Nicky Abdinor is the Founder and Chairperson for the registered non-profit organisation called Nicky’s Drive (086-364-NPO). Funds are raised through Nicky's speaking engagements. Nicky's Drive funds car adaptations for people with disabilities in South Africa.

About Nicky's Drive

A Journey of Independence and Mobility

A supportive family, access to mainstream schooling and my determined personality helped me to achieve independence and a positive outlook on life. I was born without arms and shortened legs (the medical term is Phocomelia). While there was no medical explanation for my disability, I was fortunate that my parents were determined to have an optimistic view for my future.

Nicky's Car

Driving Hands-Free

Nicky drives a specially adapted vehicle that was donated to her from the United Kingdom in 2001. She takes “hands-free” to a whole new level! The sophisticated technology enables her to drive using only her right shoulder and foot! The mobility and independence that driving has given Nicky, motivated her to start Nicky’s Drive to help fund car adaptations for people with disabilities in South Africa. Their main source of fundraising is through Nicky’s speaking engagements at conferences and events.

Breaking Barriers

Accessible Transport for Disabled South Africans

The lack of accessible public transport is one of the greatest barriers to the employment of people with disabilities in South Africa. The ability to drive a modified car provides more than the freedom that we so often take for granted. It enables people with disabilities to develop their self-confidence, gain better access to education and work opportunities and make a valuable contribution to society through their work and family life.

Support Nicky's Drive

Help Us Make Car Adaptations Accessible

Living with a disability leads to extra costs for medical expenses, therapies, carers, assistive devices and mobility aids. This makes the costs of car adaptations beyond the reach of the average South African. Nicky’s Drive wants people with disabilities to experience the freedom that driving an adapted car can offer. You can help us by making a contribution to Nicky’s Drive (086-364-NPO). Your support is greatly appreciated!

Volunteer and Make a Difference

Gain Experience While Supporting Mobility for People with Disabilities

Nicky’s Drive greatly welcomes volunteers who would like to become involved in our organisation. Some of the skills we are looking for: copywriting (for blogs and newsletters), photography, videography, social media, and fundraising. Volunteering for Nicky’s Drive is an ideal opportunity for students and interns to gain work experience and testimonials for their CV’s. Please contact us if you’d like to explore working with us. We are based in Cape Town.

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Whastapp Nicky Now!